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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré
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Charm & Strange

Charm & Strange - Stephanie Kuehn

I am of the sea.

I am of instability.

I am of harsh, choppy waves roiling with all the up-ness, down-ness, top-ness, bottom-ness contained within my being.

I am of charm and strange.





Charm & Strange is a beautifully written novel.  However, it strangely reminded me of Withered by Lauren DeStefano.   Meaning that while I loved the writing and language, I failed to connect with and enjoy the story.  I also feel like I may have enjoyed it more had I been able to read this in one sitting.  As it was, I read between 1/3 and 1/2, was then unable to read for several days, and then finished it up over the course of the day.  I believe this interruption ruined the flow of the novel a bit for me.


This novel is about a boy who believes there is a wolf inside him.  The narrative switches between the present with sixteen year old Win and the past with nine year old Drew.  These alternating views flow nicely together and keep the story moving along.  They were never difficult to follow and I really enjoyed that aspect.  The last section of the book, “After,” seemed a little brief especially when compared with the “Before,” but this didn’t bother me as much as I was expecting.  The tension and slow reveal are what make up this story.  It was more a story about the journey than the destination.


So while this novel didn’t live up to what I was expecting, it was still a good read, which I would probably recommend especially given its length (just over 200 pages!)  And I do look forward to any future books Ms. Kuehn happens to write.


But I haven’t lost everything.

Somewhere, somehow, adrift in the sea and far from the stars, I’ve found faith.

In myself.

And that makes all the difference.


Texas Gothic - Rosemary Clement-Moore

There is definitely something I like about this author's writing. I just seem to get sucked in. This book was another quick and entertaining read. At this rate, I will be through all her books in no time.

The Splendor Falls - Rosemary Clement-Moore 3.5 stars
Code Name Verity - Elizabeth Wein, Morven Christie, Lucy Gaskell 5 stars

Saw this while browsing at the library and decided to listen to it this time around. And wow! I think I liked it even more the second time. The narrators for the audio were incredible. They made it much more of an emotional read for me. I would definitely recommend giving the audio version a try.
Friends with Boys - Faith Erin Hicks 3.5 stars
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood - Marjane Satrapi 3.5 stars
The Hero of Ages  - Brandon Sanderson, Michael Kramer 3.5 stars
Eon  - Alison Goodman 4.5 stars
Gunnerkrigg Court, Vol. 3: Reason - Thomas Siddell 4.5 stars
Gunnerkrigg Court, Vol. 2: Research - Thomas Siddell 4.5 stars
Gunnerkrigg Court, Vol. 1: Orientation - Thomas Siddell 4.5 stars
The Pearl - John Steinbeck 3.5 stars
Mistborn: The Final Empire  - Brandon Sanderson, Michael Kramer 4.75 stars
Our Town: A Play in Three Acts (Perennial Classics) - Thornton Wilder 3.5 stars
Jasper Jones - Craig Silvey, Matt Cowlrick 3.5 stars
Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn 2.5 stars